Gen XYZ: Who Are We?

September 30, 2009

The Hero Generation?

Filed under: Who is gen y? — avasnazz1 @ 3:18 am
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An interesting quote to consider in light of all the negative press generation y gets. I’m not used to hearing such positive feedback!


“Today’s other example of a Hero archetype is the Millennial Generation, born from 1982 to about 2003 or 2004. These are today’s young people, who are just beginning to be well known to most Americans. They fill K-12 schools, colleges, graduate schools, and have recently begun entering the workplace. We associate them with dramatic improvements in youth behaviors, which are often underreported by the media. Since Millennials have come along, we’ve seen huge declines  in violent crime, teen pregnancy, and the most damaging forms of drug abuse, as well as higher rates of community service and volunteering. This is a generation that reminds us in many respects of the young G.I.s nearly a century ago, back when they were the first boy scouts and girl scouts between 1910 and 1920.”

Neil Howe, co-author of several books about generations including “Millennnials Rising: The Next Great Generation,” in an interview with Casey Research

1 Comment »

  1. I’m shocked that anyone would be so kind as to liken us to the “Golden” generation.

    Comment by Rob — October 21, 2009 @ 4:24 pm | Reply

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